
Empowering Our Community,
One Step at a Time.


Addressing Homelessness

There are many pathways that can lead someone to experience homelessness. Identified as the largest key issue for Saskatoon residents in 2023; ensuring residents that are currently housed stay housed and residents that are unhoused obtain affordable housing must be a Council priority. Where Council plays a role in addressing homelessness is through policy, investment, and project prioritization.

It’s extremely important to note that homelessness is within the realm of all levels of government, and that there is continuous work being done by government as well as various purpose driven organizations.


  • Revisit and amend Saskatoon’s Homelessness Action Plan that was developed by the Saskatoon Homelessness Action Plan Steering Committee.
  • Explore partnerships with owners of vacant buildings to provide affordable short term accommodations.
  • Advocate for sustainable funding from provincial and federal levels of government.

Crime & Public Safety

While it is no secret that Saskatoon has challenges ahead of it in terms of crime, there is also opportunity to look into new ways for the city to address and work on decreasing crime. 

Partnerships and innovative solutions to traditional policing that address root causes of crime are key in enhancing public safety.


  • Maintain current levels of spending on policing; consider increases if Saskatoon Police Service provides an action plan that exhibits new solutions for policing which requires additional funding.
  • Building on the previous point; invest in new technologies to improve officer and citizen safety.
  • Explore option to add a police service reserve fund to house SPS surplus’s.
  • Ensure affordable and inclusive recreational opportunities continue to exist for youth, encouraging social network building and a sense of community. (To deter from crime)

Transportation, Road Maintenance, and Snow/Ice Management

Transportation Infrastructure and the maintenance of it is one of the key responsibilities local government officials have as part of their role in office.

Being able to easily and accessibly transport is a key driver in how people live their lives and contributes significantly to quality of life.


  • Ensure that all reserve funds related to transportation, road maintenance, and snow/ice management are maintained.
  • Prior to construction of the Downtown Event District, ensure that a solid, well designed, transportation plan for vehicular, bicycle, pedestrian, and bus traffic is approved.
  • Explore areas for dedicated bike lanes that don’t impact vehicular traffic patterns.
  • Review current and future overpass infrastructure and identify enhanced traffic flow opportunities.

Strengthening Downtown

Downtown means the heart of a city that is characterized as a commercial hub or main business area.

Saskatoon has potential for a stronger downtown; where residents feel safer than they currently do and where empty/abandoned or underutilized lots are transformed into either green spaces, businesses, or multi-unit residential buildings.

It is important for the next City Council to find ways to upgrade the downtown area without creating a tax burden on residents.


  • Continue Councils investment into a Downtown Event and Entertainment District, but ensure that effective traffic plans and parking plans are in place prior to construction.
  • Incentivize the development of a downtown cost effective grocery store for residents.
  • Continue to capitalize on recreational opportunities around and on the South Saskatchewan River, one of Saskatoon’s most significant natural assets.
  • Explore additional green space opportunities.

Appropriate Taxation

Nobody likes taxes, but they are necessary in our society in order to provide programs, initiatives, and projects that contribute to a high quality of life. It is the responsibility of the City Council to ensure that the balance between service provision and taxation aligns with residents’ needs, (and if able) their wants, and preferences.

“Appropriate” is a rather subjective term, but my intention is to ensure that Council, in collaboration with City Administration, evaluates services and financial investments and delivers those necessary in providing a high quality of life and potentially cutting back on those with less community impact in order to establish appropriate taxation.


  • Conduct Civic Services research that not only identifies usage rates, but also measures qualitative data around community perception and community impact to determine service provision gaps and opportunities.
  • Ensure that funding sources for significant capital projects do not rely on property tax.

Community Engagement

I believe it is extremely important that City Councillors play a role in actively involving residents in decision-making processes, encouraging open communication, and fostering a sense of shared responsibility for the community’s future.

It is a priority of mine that as a Councillor, I’d be accessible, responsive, and committed to involving residents.


  • Attend Ward 1 Community Association meetings to engage directly with community members in each neighbourhood within the Ward.
  • Lead an annual Community Association Presidents Meeting, where all Community Association Presidents meet with City Council to discuss neighbourhood specific concerns directly with the Council.
  • Host Town hall style meetings within Ward neighbourhoods when requested by residents, Community Associations, or when necessary.